From engineers to physicists, postdocs to undergrads, our team is built up of a diverse group of people with all different backgrounds. 


Principal Investigator

Dr. Britney Schmidt

Graduate Students

Elizabeth Spiers, Ben Hurwitz, Taylor Plattner, Sara Pierson, Sara Miller, Veronica Hegelein, & Alexia Kubas

Team Members & Collaborators

Jacob Buffo & Kynan Hughson

Past Students

GRADS:Jacob Buffo, Heather Chilton, Chad Ramey, Justin Lawrence, & Chase Chivers
UNDERGRADS: Josh Lutz, Patrick Block, Kayla Duarte, Kit Philleo, Josh Hedgepeth, Ben Demario, Vivian Romero, Anastacia Wood, Katherine Udell, Michelle Babcock, Sebastian Lopez, Sara Pierson, & Emma Brown

Research Engineers

Matt Meister, Frances Bryson, & Daniel Lein

Postdocs & Research Scientists

Peter Washam, Andy Mullen, & Enrica Quartini

Undergraduate Students